
There is no way I’ll have time for hair and make-up when I have a baby. There is no way I’ll be able to get a manicure and pedicure when I have a baby. I won’t have time. I should not do it anyway, I need to stay home as much as I can.

Ahh…..all of that sounds so familiar…..and it is FALSE!

Okay, maybe you won’t have time at first. That first month after bringing baby home will be hard. You will ugly cry in the shower and feel exhausted and frustrated all the time. That first month is when you need to cut yourself some slack. Seriously. You and your baby are getting to know each other, all those little quirks, crazy sleep times, feedings, and figuring out what those cries mean.

It is going to be difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it is there and when you do see it, you will be so freaking happy. Those ugly cries in the shower will slowly stop happening and before you know it, your baby will cry and you will instantly know what he or she needs.

And you will start to feel like yourself again – but a new, stronger version of you.

This post contains affiliate links. I only recommend products I use and absolutely love!

Here are five ways to start getting back into the groove, and getting your groove back!

1. Wash your face. It sounds so simple, but it is an important step toward feeling a sense of normalcy. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, as long as you make it a priority to do it. Take the time to notice how the cool water feels on your face. Be mindful of how refreshing it feels. This Neutrogena Naturals face wash is inexpensive and works well for cleansing as well as makeup removal.

2. Apply a facial moisturizer with sunscreen. This step is important to keep your skin looking younger and get rid of any dry, patchy areas. I absolutely love Murad Anti-Aging Acne Moisturizer SPF 30 PA++. It is lightweight and absorbs quickly. When you have a minute (most likely when baby naps), don’t forget to experiment with a streamlined makeup routine. Your future self will thank you when it’s time to go back to work.

3. Schedule a mani pedi. Enlist the help of a close friend or family member to watch your baby while you go pamper yourself. For the love of all that’s holy, do not feel guilty. One thing I learned is that I come home refreshed and in a better state of mind when I take some time for myself to do something relaxing. If going out for a mani pedi is not an option, try having one at home and invite a couple of friends to join you.

4. Get your hair done. It is amazing what a haircut and some highlights can do for your self-esteem. If you need a quick way to make hair softer and more manageable until you have time to go get it done, invest in It’s a 10 with Keratin leave-in conditioner. Get It’s a 10 original formula if you have curly hair. You wear your hair every day, do something cute with it! 😃

5. Schedule a date night. Tell your spouse/partner that you want to have a date night. Let grandma and grandpa spend time with their grandbaby while the two of you spend quality time together. It can be something as simple as a walk in the park or dinner. Whatever it is, reconnect and talk about how things are going. You’ll be surprised how much it helps both of you feel more connected and attractive to each other. ❤️

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